
WEI Qingpeng
Tel: 86-10-62772404
Fax: 86-10-62770544
E-mail: [email protected]


Building and  System Energy Efficiency



1992.9-1997.7,  Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Bachelor

1997.9-2003.12, Department of Building Science, School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, Ph.D

1998.12-1999.12, Faculty of Applied Science, University de Liege,  Belgium, Exchange Student



School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, 2003.12-, Associate Professor

Building  Energy Research Center, Tsinghua University, 2004.5-, Deputy Director



National Funded

Study on  Energy Management System and Diagnosis in Public Buildings, 11th  Five-Year National S&T Supporting Project

Study on  Building Energy Efficiency Standards, 11th Five-Year National S&T  Supporting Project

Study on  Comprehensive and Key Techniques of Building Energy Efficiency, 10th  Five-Year National S&T Supporting Project

Ministry Funded

Energy Audit  and Retrofitting on Government Office Building, National 10-Pilot Energy  Efficiency Project, NRDC

Study on  Policy of Energy Management and Supervision on Large-scaled Commercial  Buildings, NRDC

Study on a  Guideline of Energy Audit on Government Office Buildings and  Large-scaled Commercial Buildings, MOHRUD (MOC)

Study on a  Guideline of On-Campus Buildings Energy Efficiency, MOHRUD (MOC)

Study on a  Guideline of Data Transfer Technology of Energy Sub-metering System on  Government Office Buildings and Large-scaled Commercial Buildings,  MOHRUD (MOC)

On-site and  Simulation Study on the Best Practice and Key Unit of Energy Use for  Government Office Buildings and Large-scaled Commercial Buildings,  MOHRUD (MOC)

Beijing Municipal Government Funded

Research and  Application of Energy Efficient Retrofitting in Buildings, BJ-COST

Study on the  New Style of Energy Transportation System in Buildings with High  Performance and Low Energy Use, BJ-COST

Platform  Establishment of Energy Monitoring and Service on Public Buildings in  Beijing, BJ-COST

Research and  Development of an On-line Real Time Analysis and Publishing System of  Energy Use in Large-scaled Commercial Buildings, BJ-COST

Domestic Industry Funded

Study on  Energy Efficiency of Base Stations and Data Center of Mobile  Communication in Guangzhou, GZ-MOBILE

Survey and  Study on Energy Use and Energy Efficient Techniques for Existing  Large-scaled Commercial and Office Complex in Shanghai, SRIBS

Study on the  Characteristics of Energy Use in Large-scaled Commercial Buildings in  Shanghai, SRIBS

Survey and  Study on Energy Use and Energy Efficient Techniques for Large-scaled  Commercial Buildings in Shenzhen, SZIBS

Code and Standard

National  Standard GB/T17981-2007, Standard on Economic Operation for  Air-conditioning System

Beijing  Municipal Standard DBJ/T11-6XX-2008, Standard on Energy Performance  Measurement and Evaluation for Public Buildings

Zhejiang  Municipal Standard, Standard on Energy Performance Measurement and  Evaluation for Public Buildings

International Collaborative Projects

Energy  Efficiency Audit and Operation Optimization of On-campus Building,with  University of Pennsylvania, US

Energy  Efficient Operation Optimization of Large-scaled Commercial Buildings in  Hong Kong, with Swire Properties, HK-SAR

Survey on the  Feasibility of Implementing Energy Efficiency Demonstration Project in  Civil Buildings in Beijing, PBA, Japan

Study on  Energy Efficiency of DHC System in Harumi, Tokyo, with PBA, Japan

Study on the  Status and Characteristics of Building Energy Use in China, with Yonsei  University, Seoul, Korea

IEA ECBCS  ANNEX 53, Cooperative OA, and Team Leader of Subtask 2B

ISO TC163 /  TC205 JWG, WI12655 “Presentation of Measured Energy Use of Buildings”




Measurement  Technology of Built Environment

Key and  Comprehensive Technology of Building Energy Efficiency

Practice of  Building Service System Operation

International exchange

University of  Pennsylvania, US

Lawrence  Berkeley National Laboratory, US

INSA-LYON,  France

EDF, France

NTNU, Norway

Cardiff  University, UK

University of  Stuttgart, Germany

ETH-Zurich,  Switzerland

Technical  University of Torino, Italy

PBA, MLIT,  Tokyo Power, Tokyo Gas, Nagoya University, Kyoto University, Tohoku  University, Japan

New South  Welsh University, Sydney, Australia



Science and Technology

CIBSE (UK) Low  Carbon Performance Award-Client of the Year of Low Carbon Operation,  Festival Walks Shopping Center in Hong Kong (with Swire Properties),  2009

National S&T  Progress Award-Secondary, DeST-a Building and System Simulation Toolkit,  2009

Shanghai S&T  Progress Award-Secondary, Comprehensive Technology of Energy Efficiency  for Large-scaled Commercial and Office Complex, 2008


Beijing  Education Award-First, Reform of Practical Education for Built  Environment Science, 2008

Tsinghua  University Education Award-Distinguished, Reform of Practical Education  for Built Environment Science, 2006

Social Service

Lin Feng Best  Advisor to Student, Tsinghua University, 2004

December 9th  Best Advisor to Student, Tsinghua University, 2002



Cooperative  Organization on Building Energy Efficiency of the Big-3 Cities in China:  Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, from 2006

Cooperative  Organization on Commissioning and Operation Optimization in Building and  its System of the Three Countries: China, Japan and US, from 2009

IEA ECBCS  EXCO, Representative Agency of China, from 2009

Low Carbon  University Alliance: Tsinghua (CN), Cambridge (UK) and MIT (US),  referring Energy Efficiency in Buildings, from 2009




6 books  published.

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